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1) Open ECRI App

2) Tap "Account" (bottom right)

3) Enter Phone Number 1 + Ten Digit Number

4) Enter Password

5) Tap "Log In / Sign Up"

6) Tap "Create Account"

7) ECRI will message you a 6-Digit Confirmation Code

8) Enter 6-Digit Code

9) "Code Verified" Tap "Continue"

10) Enter Phone Number & Password to Login

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1) Plug ECRI Device into OBD Port

2) Open ECRI App on smart phone/tablet

3) Bluetooth will connect automatically

4) Tap "Account" bottom right

5) Tap "Device Update"

6) Tap "Start Update"

7) Wait for download/install to complete (typically 7-10 minutes)

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1) Open Ecri App on smart device

2) Tap Account (bottom right) — you do not need to connect to the ECRI device to reset password

3) Enter Phone Number

4) Enter Incorrect Password (for security reasons, it should resemble an actual password with a mixture of at least 8 characters)

5) Tap Login

6) Tap "Reset Password"

7) Enter Confirmation code sent to text messages

8) Enter New Password with a mixture of at least 8 characters

9) Tap "Reset Password"

10) Success!

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1. Locate plugs (reach under dash about a hand's length behind OBD Port)

2. Remove Plugs (2)

3. Insert plugs into ECRI Security Bypass

4. Plug ECRI device into OBD Port

5. Tap ECRI app on smart device

6. You're ready to calibrate!

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Is the check engine light on your vehicle showing up and you're not sure why? Use ECRI’s DTC shooting feature. No unlock code is needed for this feature.

1) Plug ECRI device into OBD Port

2) Launch App

3) Bluetooth will connect automatically

4) Tap DTC setting 

5) ECRI will immediately start a dealer level scan on your vehicle to find codes.

6) When the scan is finished, tap any module to clear codes on that module.

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In order for ECRI to give you the most accurate speedometer reading possible; here are some tips we highly recommend using for accurately measuring your tire size before recalibrating your vehicle.

  1. Locate the center of your hub/wheel
  2. From your hub measure to the ground.
  3. Multiply that value by 2

X = Center of the hub to the ground

X * 2 = Rolling diameter that we need to use for calibration

The reason we need to measure this way is to account for a couple different factors that will make the tire size shorter than the size stamped on the tire. First: most tire manufacturers make tires that are slightly shorter than the advertised size. Second: the weight of the vehicle on the tire will compress the tire to make it shorter still. Overall, we’ve found that the rolling diameter is usually around an inch shorter than the size stamped on the sidewall of most tires, which would mean a speedometer that is off by about 3-percent!

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1) Plug ECRI device into OBD Port

2) Open ECRI App

3) Tap "History" in bottom menu

4) Scroll to very bottom of list (history is chronological)

5) Tap "Read from Vehicle" (green title above bottom set of values)

6) Tap "Yes, Restore"

7) Wait a brief moment (typically 25-30 seconds) - do not turn off app or unplug device while the app is writing

8) Complete!

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  • Bluetooth needs to be enabled on the device and for the app (iOS & Android). Android: ECRI needs location permissions to scan for the device.
  • If "ECRI" on the device is lit red, it is discoverable and awaiting connection.
  • If "ECRI" on the device is lit green, the app is connected.
  • If the device is not lit, unplug and plug back in.
  • The device powers off after 30 seconds without connection. This prevents excess battery drain and provides a layer of security to prevent unintended access to your vehicle.
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  • The tire size entered is the size on the sidewall and it needs to be reduced (typically 1") to account for tire "squish" from weight of vehicle.
  • The settings are not taking effect (see support item below about this).
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JL/JT Models can require a longer "off" period after programming. If this is happening, do the following after programming:

  • Turn ignition off
  • Open the driver door
  • Exit the vehicle with the keyfob
  • Close the driver door
  • Wait at least 5 minutes to ensure all modules power down

  • This ensures all modules power down. When modules power back up, they check with other modules on the vehicle for new settings and self-update at that time.

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    On the JK, the speedometer can stop working if a module on the vehicle doesn't update properly during programming.  This can be caused by:

    1. The key not being in the on position with the engine off during programming
    2. Turning the key off during or quickly after programming
    3. Not turning the key off after programming before starting the engine
    4. Bad luck by trying to program when the Jeep is doing internal regular updates.

    Luckily the fix is easy:

    1. Clear the codes in the DTC tab by tapping on the codes
    2. Cycle Ignition off then back on without starting the engine
    3. Program a size that is at least 1/2" different than the current value
    4. Cycle Ignition off then back on without starting the engine
    5. Program the correct size
    6. Cycle Ignition off then back on without starting the engine
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    1) Plug in device and Open App, Bluetooth will connect automatically

    2) Tap GPS Speedo on bottom menu, have a passenger manipulate the app (Driver: Do NOT use app while driving.)

    3) App will begin collecting data when the vehicle is traveling faster than 40mph

    4) When white arrows are in "green", put vehicle in park

    5) Tap "Program Vehicle" and confirm

    6) Tap "OK" turn ignition off and wait for modules to power down. You are calibrated!

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    1. Locate plugs (reach under dash about a hand's length behind OBD Port)

    2. Remove Plugs (2)

    3. Insert plugs into ECRI Security Bypass

    4. Plug ECRI device into OBD Port

    5. Tap ECRI app on smart device

    6. You're ready to calibrate!

    Was this article helpful? 1 1

    1) Plug ECRI Device into OBD Port

    2) Tap ECRI app on smart device

    3) Bluetooth will connect automatically

    4) Tap "Tire Size" (first option)

    5) Enter Tire Size (Pro-tip: The size on the sidewall isn't accurate because the tire squishes from the weight of the vehicle. Subtract 1" from the sidewall size without measuring.)

    6) Tap Speedometer Tolerance

    7) Set to 0% for Speedometer to Display how Engine is Reading

    8) Tap "Write Programming"

    9) Confirm Updates

    10) Turn Engine Off, Remove Key, Open Door, let Modules Power Down

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    1) Plug ECRI device into OBD Port

    2) Open ECRI app on smart-device (iOS and Android supported)

    3) Bluetooth will connect automatically

    4) Scroll down to "LED Turn Signals"

    5) Tap the toggle to turn them on

    6) Tap "Write Programming"

    7) Tap "Confirm"

    8) Tap "OK" when finished. 

    9) Turn the ignition off, remove the key open the door and wait for modules to power down.

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    1) Plug ECRI device into Vehicle's ODB Port

    2) Tap ECRI app on smart device

    3) Bluetooth will automatically connect

    4) Scroll down to "DRL Region"

    5) Tap "DRL Region" set Region (country)

    6) Tap "DRL Location" set Location (lights: high beams, fogs, etc.)

    7) DRL Voltage Updated Automatically

    8) Tap "Write Programming" 

    9) Confirm

    10) Turn ignition off, remove the key, open the door, wait for modules to power down.

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    1) Plug ECRI Device into OBD Port

    2) Tap ECRI app on smart device

    3) Blue Tooth will automatically connect

    4) Tap "Axle Ratio" (second choice)

    5) Make sure you have the settings correct! Warning: the vehicle can go into limp mode and won't shift out of second gear with the incorrect settings.

    6) Tap Continue thru the Warning

    7) Enter New Axle Ratio

    8) Confirm Changes

    9) Turn the ignition off, remove key, open door, and let modules power down.

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    1) Plug ECRI device into Vehicle's ODB Port

    2) Tap ECRI app on smart device

    3) Bluetooth will automatically connect

    4) Scroll down to "DRL Region"

    5) Tap "DRL Region" set Region (country)

    6) Tap "DRL Location" set Location (lights: high beams, fogs, etc.)

    7) DRL Voltage Updated Automatically

    8) Tap "Write Programming" 

    9) Confirm

    10) Turn ignition off, remove the key, open the door, wait for modules to power down.

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    1) Plug ECRI Device into OBD Port

    2) Tap ECRI app on smart device

    3) Blue Tooth will automatically connect

    4) Tap "Axle Ratio" (second choice)

    5) Make sure you have the settings correct! Warning: the vehicle can go into limp mode and won't shift out of second gear with the incorrect settings.

    6) Tap Continue thru the Warning

    7) Enter New Axle Ratio

    8) Confirm Changes

    9) Turn the ignition off, remove key, open door, and let modules power down.

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    1) Plug ECRI Device into OBD Port

    2) Tap ECRI app on smart device

    3) Bluetooth will connect automatically

    4) Tap "Tire Size" (first option)

    5) Enter Tire Size (Pro-tip: The size on the sidewall isn't accurate because the tire squishes from the weight of the vehicle. Subtract 1" from the sidewall size without measuring.)

    6) Tap "Write Programming"

    7) Confirm Updates

    8) Turn Engine Off, Remove Key, Open Door, let Modules Power Down

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    1) Plug ECRI Device into OBD Port

    2) Tap ECRI app on smart device

    3) Bluetooth will connect automatically

    4) Tap the "TPMS Enabled" Toggle 

    5) Tap "Write Programming"

    6) Confirm

    7) Turn the ignition off, remove the key, open the door, and let modules power down.

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    1) Plug ECRI device into ODB Port

    2) Tap ECRI app on smart device

    3) Bluetooth will connect automatically

    4) Tap "Fogs Off w/ Hi-Beams" Toggle

    5) Tap "Write Programming"

    6) Confirm

    7) Turn ignition off, remove the key, open the door, wait for modules to power down.

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